
✿ Rafael ESPITIA ✿

E bevimi, bevimi
sorgente impura
dei sette sensi
che solamente tu
my love
mi dai estasi...

And Drink Me, Drink Me
impure source
of the seven senses
that only you
my love
give me ecstasy ...

~ Catherine La Rose© ~

Rafael Espitia (Digital Painting - Fine Art Paintings - Concept Art - Matte Painting - Murales) was born in Cartagena (Colombia) in 1967, a prodigious child who exhibits since he was 13 years old. Studies art and history of arts in Bogota, Madrid and New York. After receiving awards in Spain and continuing exhibitions. My women are young, free and sensual. They exploded through an aqueous defragmentation in which color represents what they were before becoming metals. The truth is: metal oxidizes, deteriorates and changes because the environment and its own life make it change. That’s why my women are made of metals, rust and corrosion.

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